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Meet The Best Team


Sang          Sun          Yak          Su

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"The highest virtue is like water
because water is humble and beneficial as it always stays at the bottom and benefits others"

Master Jun Kyu Kim

— 7th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do

— 5th Degree Black Belt in Yong Moo Do

— 35 years of Tae Kwon Do experience

— Degree in Tae Kwon Do from Yong-In University in Seoul, Korea

— Korean National Champion

— Member of K-Tigers Demonstration Team

— President of South Carolina in American Tae Kwon Do United (ATU)

— USA Tae Kwon Do Certified Referee

— Team World Class (TWC) Director and Head Coach

— Vice President of South Carolina USAT

— Former Head Master Instructor of World Class Tae Kwon Do in Buffalo, NY 


Deok           Bul           Go           Pil           Yu           Lin

"Virtuous persons always have friends around them"


Master Michelle Bartlett Kim

— 6th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do

— 25 years of Tae Kwon Do Instruction

— 35 years of Tae Kwon Do experience

— Team World Class (TWC) Director and Head Coach

— 6 times New York State Champion

— Member of US National Team, Korean Exchange

— National and International Competitor

— USA Tae Kwon Do Certified Referee

— World Tae Kwon Do Federation International Poomsae Referee 

— Former Head Master Instructor of World Class Tae Kwon Do in Buffalo, NY 

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We are not just a Tae Kwon Do school, we are a life school.
We don't just teach Tae Kwon Do skills,

We teach life skills to future leaders.

Based on two fundamental principles of our school

精神一到  何事不成 (Jung-Sin-Il-Do  Ha-Sa-Bul-Sung means 

If you focus on one thing, we can do anythingand

修身齊家  治國平天下 (Su-Sin-Jae-Ga  Chi-Guk-Pung-Chun-Ha means 
Discipline yourself first to be a leader of family, nation, and world),

we pursue to be a worker as well as a leader for our global community

to make it a better and more hopeful place.

That's why we yearn for Tae Kwon Do to be a bridge to connect us with the world.

As our "UNI" logo means 'You and I',
we want to get through this journey together.

Tae Kwon Do is our


and future

We are excited about Tae Kwon Do and its positive and bright impact on us.
That's the way we want to keep going and

that's the dream we are heading for.

Master Jun Kyu Kim                                             Master Michelle Bartlett Kim 

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